Thursday, February 16, 2012

Theory and circuits

The chat baloney in fact refers to any modification or accession to the beachcomber anatomy of a arresting by any affectionate of equipment.27 In the ambience of music addition baloney is equated with clipping.28

Clipping is a non-linear action that produces frequencies not originally present in the audio signal. These frequencies can either be "harmonic", acceptation they are accomplished amount multiples of the signal's aboriginal frequencies, or "inharmonic", acceptation anomalous odd-order overtones.2930 Harmonic baloney produces harmonically accompanying overtones while intermodulation baloney produces cacophonic overtones.31

"Soft clipping" gradually flattens the peaks of a arresting and de-emphasizes college odd harmonics. "Hard clipping" flattens peaks abruptly, consistent in harsh-sounding, top amplitude odd harmonics.32

Distortion circuits alter a arresting afore it alcove the capital amplifier. Overdrive circuits do not actualize baloney themselves but rather addition signals to levels that could cause baloney to action at the capital amplifier's foreground end stage.33

edit Valve overdrive

Triode valve

Vacuum tube or “valve” baloney is accomplished by “overdriving” the valves in an amplifier.34Valve amplifiers--particularly those application triodes--tend to aftermath agee bendable abridgement that creates "warm"-sounding even-order harmonics.3235

A basal triode valve contains a cathode, a bowl and a grid. If a absolute voltage is activated to the plate, a accepted of abnormally answerable electrons flows to it from the acrimonious cathode through the grid. This increases the voltage of the audio signal, amplifying its volume. The filigree regulates the admeasurement to which bowl voltage is increased. A baby abrogating voltage activated to the filigree causes a ample abatement in bowl voltage.36

Valve addition is added or beneath linear--meaning the ambit (amplitude, frequency, phase) of the amplified arresting are proportional to the ascribe signal--so continued as the voltage of the ascribe arresting does not beat the valve's "linear arena of operation". The beeline arena avalanche amid 1. the assimilation region: the voltages at which bowl accepted stops responding to absolute increases in filigree voltage and 2. the blow region: the voltages at which the allegation of the filigree is too abrogating for electrons to breeze to the plate. If a valve is biased aural the beeline arena and the ascribe signal's voltage exceeds this region, overdrive and non-linear abridgement will occur.3734

Multiple stages of valve gain/clipping can be "cascaded" to aftermath a thicker and added circuitous baloney sound. In some avant-garde valve effects, the "dirty" or "gritty" accent is in fact accomplished not by top voltage, but by active the ambit at voltages that are too low for the ambit components, consistent in greater non-linearity and distortion. These designs are referred to as "starved plate" configurations, and aftereffect in an "amp death" sound.citation needed

edit Solid-state distortion

Solid-state amplifiers absorb detached transistors and/or op amps and are decumbent to aftermath harder abridgement and balanced baloney if overdriven. This adds added high-amplitude odd harmonics, creating a "dirty" or "gritty" tone.32 Electronically, this is usually accomplished by either amplifying the arresting to a point area it have to be abrupt to the accumulation rails, or by abridgement the arresting beyond diodes.citation needed Many solid-state baloney accessories attack to challenge the complete of overdriven exhaustion valves application added solid-state circuitry. Some amplifiers (notably the Marshall JCM 900) advance amalgam designs that apply both valve and solid-state components.citation needed

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